Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER

November 23, 2016


Four Way Test:  Thank you Stuart Fenton     

Invocation:  Thank you Jeff Wynder for the invocation

President Kent Cartwright led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Visiting Rotarians:  John Van Etten, Terre Haute, IN; Special Guests: Honorary Rotarian Kristy Beyer and her husband Alan Beyer

Other Visitors:  Lydia Damoose, Morgan Block, Becky Philipp-Kranig, Jackie and Sophia Cranney

Calendar Winners:  Please click the following: Link

Song of the Week:  Angie Cranney led us in; “Smile”


Toys for Tots:  Dave Thomas let us know that Toys for Tots starts next week and we will have a shortened time this year so bring your toys or dollars within the next couple of weeks

Salvation Army Bell Ringing:  Jeff Wynder let us know that bell ringing will be on Friday December 16th and we will be doing the sign up next week. This is a great time and we need all of our members to sign up to ring the bell

Calendar Sales:  Jeff Bodette let us know we are about ½ way with calendars. So keep selling so we can fund all of the great things we do

Foundation Moment:  Ashley Whitney gave the Foundation Moment this week. She let us know why the Foundation is a great way to serve the world. Not only do we have a 4 Star rating but over 90% of our money donated goes directly to the people who need it the most

Corporate Membership:  Dave Thomas, chairman of the membership committee, let us know the status of the Corporate Membership for our club. We will keep the classification but will add the following:

  1. There will be a lead member and 2 associates

  2. The attendance requirement will be the same (50%)

  3. All District and club fee will be the same for all 3 members

  4. Other fundraising (calendars & spaghetti dinner tickets) will be at 50% of “full member” level


We had the two girls that we sponsored at Life Leadership Camp give us a presentation on their time at camp.  Lydia Damoose and Morgan Block. They really enjoyed the experience and thanked the club for providing them this great opportunity. They also had a great presentation of their experience, proving that this is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to understand servant leadership

Nomination Committee Report:  Roger Winslow gave a report from the nomination committee. Voting will be at the next club assembly in December. The slate of nominees is as follows: Board Members first, followed by the President Nominee:

  1. Director of International Service - Reg Smith (replacing Paul Schemanski)

  2. Director of Community Service - Jeff Wynder (replacing Angie Cranney)

  3. Director of Youth Service - Ashley Whitney (replacing Steve Cross)

  4. Member At-Large - Verne Osterlund (replacing Roger Winslow)

  5. President Nominee Designate - Liz Aherns

Robert Rogier and Dianne Litzenburger were nominated to serve on the PRCCI Board

Also we will be voting on a Bylaws change to change the term for Board members from 2 years to 3 years

Next Week’s Speaker:  Mara McMurray on her Appalachian Trail Adventure