Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
May 17, 2017
Howard led us in America the Beautiful
Four Way Test: Thank you Joe Blachy
Invocation: President Kent gave us the Philmont Grace:
For food, for raiment,
For life, for opportunity,
For friendship and fellowship,
We thank thee, O Lord
Visiting Rotarians: None
Other Visitors: Elizabeth Newton, Melissa Colby and Joel Donaldson
Life Events:
Steve Cross and Jane Millar helped us welcome our newest member T Jones. Steve had a long bio on T but had to edit it since her girls were there. We welcome T along with her husband DJ and girls Ellie and Annie. Be sure to greet T and get to know her
Song of the Week: Howard Richards and Steve Cross led us in "Sound of Silence" and Smile
Billy/Duff Cabin Outing: Jim Beno let us know of the next Billy/Duff event scheduled for June 1st. Sign up sheets will be going around the next few weeks
Exchange of Officers Night: Officers Exchange will be June 29th at the Perry. Sign up will be available soon for that as well
Top of Michigan Trails Council Marathon: Jeff Wynder is looking for help on the 27th at the aid station for the Marathon. Contact Jeff if you are interested and can help
Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra: Dibby Smith let us know about 2 events this weekend:
Little Traverse Coral Society with concerts Friday in Harbor Springs at the Presbyterian Church and Saturday at the Petoskey United Methodist Church
Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra on Sunday at Harbor Springs Presbyterian church
Habitat for Humanity: Stuart Fenton, filling John’s roll this week, let us know he has tickets for Habitat for Humanity fundraiser “Raise the Roof” on June 22nd. See Stuart if you are interested
This week we had one of the best programs sponsored by our club. Teacher of the Year.
This is our 25th year presenting this award to one of our many deserving teachers that help make our school system one of the best in the State.
John Hurd first introduce Lynn Slanec, the 2007 recipient, to give us a little background on what it meant to her to not only receive this award, but to be a teacher in the Petoskey School System for over 35 years. There are a few of us who can say we were her students and understand why she received this award.
John then introduced Karry Swanson, 1st Grade teacher at Sheridan Elementary, as our teacher of the year. Karry has been teaching 1st grade for 17 years and as her current Principal Pat Bevier pointed out it is like hearding cats, but she makes it look easy. Karry along with her husband Kraig and 2 kids Landon and Sawyer live in Charlevoix. Karry then came up and thanked the club for the honor and even read some thank you notes from her students and we could see why she was given this award. It is teachers like Karry who make our schools a great place for our kids to learn and grow. From our club thank you Karry for all you do
Next Week’s Program: Aviation Team – CTE Aviation
Bylaws Change: This is the second of a two week notification that the club will be voting on a bylaws change as follows: “The Rotary Park Fund committee and the board of directors shall maintain a record of historic value of the account including additional donations to the account. This is to determine the historic fund balance of the account as of December 31st of each year.” The date has been changed from June 30th to December 31st to more accurately be near the date of the actual grant application so as to be reflective of market conditions at that time