Calendar Winners:Read by Tim Dykstra; please click here for the winners:Link
Singing/Song: Howard Richards and Steve Cross were here today and in honor of the time of year we sang the theme from; “The Adams Family”
Life Events:
Happy Birthdays: Tim Kaufman October 26th, By West October 29th
Anniversaries:Bill Topham October 24th, 2012 (5 years); Jim Wibby October 26th, 2005 (12 years)
Visiting Rotarians:There were no visiting Rotarians
Other Guests:Please let me know if you know of any guests or announcements as I did not have a bulletin scribe this week
PROGRAM: Christian Smith introduced Jeremy McBain from the Petoskey News Review
Jeremy McBain is the executive editor of the Petoskey News-Review. He can be contacted by calling (231) 439-9316 or emailing
For further information concerning the Petoskey News Review check out this fine article: Link
Next Week’s Program:Megan DeWindt Crooked Tree Arts Center
Quote for the Day:
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”