If you can sit quietly after difficult news; if in financial downturns you remain perfectly calm; if you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without a twinge of jealousy; if you can happily eat whatever is put on your plate; you can fall asleep after a day of running around without a drink or a pill; if you can always find contentment just where you are: you are probably a dog.
Singing/Song: Howard Richards and Georgia Abbott led us in Rufus Thomas’s “Walking the Dog” performed by The Rolling Stones and Smile
Calendar Winners: President Steve Cross called on Past President Steve Brummeler to read the calendar winners for the week and John Scholten and Howard Richards on their best behavior this time, so it was done without a hitch: Link
Visiting Rotarians: Getting cooler out so our Visiting Rotarian numbers are down. None today
Visitors: Lisa Hammond, Senator Jack Bergman, Chuck Hayes, Shawn Stressman, Sara Couture, County Commissioner and more importantly, Liz Ahrens husband, Neil Ahrens and Tom Boike
Life Events:
John Emley has been in our group for 4 years
Breakfast for Champions: Chris Etienne let us know that the Breakfast for Champions in on December 4th and they are looking for nominations for the Athena award. If you know of someone you would like to nominate the application is available on line or contact Chris
Calendar Sales: Jeff Bodette let us know that calendar sales have started off well. Keep on selling
Billy/Duff Cabin Outing: Jim Beno thanked Bill and Duff for opening their cabin for our fall social. It was well attended. Thank you to Bill and Stafford for doing this again this year
STRIVE News: Christian Smith let us know that Strive kicked off this past Tuesday and we have a great group of both students and mentors. We were also in need of 2 additional mentors and we had 2 members volunteer
Candidate Forum: Dennis Kelly let us know that there is a candidate forum tonight at the College starting at 7:00
Polio Month: John Emley and John Scholten let us know that this is Polio Month. They had 4 riders for the ride last Saturday. We are over $1,500 so far and they will be collecting all this month. Rotary International Polio Day is the 24th. Also, Tom Smith made a very generous donation in honor of a friend who had polio
Diamonds & Denim Update: President Steve gave us a quick update on Diamonds and Denim we grossed $103,390
Matt Breed introduced Pam Woodbury, Director of the Central Dispatch for Charlevoix, Cheboygan and Emmet counties. She gave us a very informative presentation on the millage proposal to update their equipment to an 800 mhz system
There is a very compelling reason to not only vote but to VOTE YES on this important millage proposal
Next Week's Program: Brenda Scott; Bay Connect Program and Volunteer Coordinator