Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
April 5, 2023
101 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. President Jeff Wynder officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can read about it from this newsletter.
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards led us in God Bless America
4-Way Test: Sharon Schappacher
Invocation: Sarah Ulrich
"Despite the forecast, live like it's spring."
Lilly Pulitzer
Calendar Winners: Read off by Karen Ragland
Calendar Winners April 5, 2023
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 1916 | Rotary International | Polio Plus Fund | Petoskey |
$50 | 2721 | John B. Johnson | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 3211 | Max Herrington | Walloon | Petoskey |
$50 | 1856 | Austin Klingelsmith | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 2292 | D&W Market % Patrick | Petoskey | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: Patricia Wimmer, Rochester, MN
Guests: JT Charles; Scott & Gwen Wynder; Cecil Walsh, Damon Whitfield, Scott Fisher, Haley Schneider, Jennifer Pitcher, Eeva Redmond, Liz Erlewine, Leadership Little Traverse Group
Life Events:
Jane Millar – Her birthday rhymes with Haiti
Anniversaries: None
Singing/Song: Howard Richards led us in Happy Birthday and Smile. Welcome back Howard
Go Grants: Support the Petoskey Chamber of Commerce Go Grants for Girls! Fundraising efforts are underway, they are seeking auction donations, sponsorships, and support of the fundraiser held on April 26 at Sage, Odawa Casino 11:30am-1:30pm, $50 admission - $20 goes directly to GO GRANTS. The purpose of the grants is to provide small grants to girls in grades 5 to 10 in the Char-Em ISD service area of Charlevoix, Emmet and northern Antrim counties. These grants will allow the applicant to pursue a special interest gain or improve a skill, participate in an outdoor experience and more. We encourage applications that will be challenging to the applicant. Since 2010, 217 girls have received more than $81,000 in GO Grants!
Learn more HERE
Join the fight against Alzheimer's! Melissa Findley Thompson represents our NOMI chapter of the ALZ Assoc., she invites you to join a fundraising team, join an ALZ Walk, or volunteer for upcoming programs. An estimated 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia. In the United States alone, more than 6 million have Alzheimer’s, and over 11 million are providing unpaid care. The Association addresses this crisis by providing education and support to the millions who face dementia every day, while advancing critical research toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure. Learn more about how you can help HERE
NCMC Announcement: Dr. David Finley announced the North Central Michigan College 2023 keynote speaker will be US Senator Debbie Stabenow!
Service Club Day at Camp Daggett: Save the Date! On May 6th, area service clubs are invited to come to Camp Daggett and help with various projects as they prepare for the summer camp season. Stay tuned for more info.
Rotary District Conference: You can find information on the upcoming District Conference May 19 - 20, 2023 at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids. You can find reports, meeting information, and tools for the president.
Spaghetti Dinner: Our 71st year Spaghetti Dinner will be held in person this year April 20, 2023, at Petoskey High School. Dinner will be served from 5:00 – 7:00 pm and there will be a drive-through option available. As usual, sauce night will be the night before the actual dinner. Members are asked to sell 10 tickets for $10 each ($100). Tickets are available for pick up at Rotary meetings or you can contact Teri Donaldson. Sign-up will be forthcoming. Stay tuned for more info! And businesses, we're now accepting sponsorships for this too.
We're looking for 10 great raffle prizes this year to raise additional funds at the Spaghetti Dinner! If you can donate a gift card or gift basket/item, please contact Andrea Coronado
Pet Photo Contest: The Rotary Club of Holland is holding a pet photo contest! Great prizes for winners! More info Here. Deadline is May 14.
Top of Michigan Festival of Races: Our support of the Top of Michigan Festival of Races comes with two free entries in the race. If you are interested in participating, see Christian Smith.
SAVE THE DATE! Enjoy pizza, wings, and cocktails on Sunday, April 26 to help Leadership Little Traverse's efforts to support affordable housing in Northern Michigan! Present the attached form to Corktown Pizza or Buffalo Wild Wings on that day and 20% of your purchase will be donated to the cause. Dine-in or carry-out.