Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
August 16, 2023
101 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. President Reg Smith officiated the meeting.
If you did not get the chance to attend, you can read about it in this newsletter.
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards led us in My Country tis of Thee
4-Way Test: Jeff Wynder
Invocation: Jean Frentz
If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet:
how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of.
There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person,
Fred Rogers
Calendar Winners: Read off by Gary Baxter
Calendar Winners August 16, 2023
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 1188 | Hammond Law | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 3048 | Bill Marshall | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2062 | Mark Oberman | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 2370 | Jeff Wynder | Conway | Petoskey |
$50 | 1489 | Mike Kindt | Alpena | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: Loriel Grigsby, Petoskey Sunrise Rotary
Guests: None
Life Events: Our Club held a moment of silence in memory of Sunrise Rotary member Sean Pollion, who recently passed.
Gary Baxter
Reggie Fiel – 2 Years
Singing/Song: Howard Richards led us in Happy Birthday and Smile
Rotary Youth Exchange at Camp Daggett: The District’s Rotary Youth Exchange program is back in full swing with inbound students from around the world and outbound US students visiting Camp Daggett for their orientation retreat on the weekend after Labor Day (Sept. 8 – 10). Once again, the Charlevoix and Petoskey Clubs are being asked to provide volunteers to assist with meal service during the weekend. In the past, many members from your club have volunteered to help. Here is a link with a sign-up sheet that can be completed online or volunteers can feel free to contact me directly by email, text, or phone with questions and to sign up. Thanks so much for making your members aware of this special upcoming service opportunity. Most volunteers have really enjoyed this special weekend and interacting with students from around the world who are deeply appreciative for the meal service and fellowship.
Learning to Lead: Rotary Zones 28/32 "Learning to Lead" is a perfect opportunity to "future-proof" your club and district. We are offering two separate programs at the end of next month in Toronto, and one might be perfect for you or someone in your club:
· The Young Professionals program is for any Rotarian under the age of 40 (or close, we're not checking I.D.) looking to network with other YPs and see Rotary outside of their club/district.
· The Future Leaders program is for any Rotarian, regardless of age, looking to understand what leadership opportunities are available outside of their club.
Register today at the Zone 28/32 website or use THIS LINK.
Frankenmuth Fondo: Terry Newton raised $500 to support his 62-mile charity bike ride. He finished in 62nd place out of more than 300 cyclists. Not bad for an old man. As a bonus, he won $100 in the raffle and donated it back to the cause, bringing his donation to $600! Great job Terry!
Handbells Concert: Mark your calendars for the Bay View Week of Handbells Concert on Thursday, August 17 at 7:30 PM, at John M. Hall Auditorium in Bay View. More than 100 bell advanced bell ringers from around the country will present an AMAZING concert. Somehow they even let our own Dibby Smith participate! Come hear handbells like you’ve never heard before. Included in the repertoire are a very upbeat version of the Huron Carol, a beautiful arrangement of La Vie en Rose, several amazing pieces by young composers, a bass bell showpiece called The Dance of the Sugar Plum Sumo Fairy, some very moving and lyrical pieces, and finally, a specially arranged version of Smiles, a song written in 1912 AT BAY VIEW! It is really an event not to be missed! August 17, 7:30 PM at Bay View Auditorium!
Calendar News: Calendar fundraiser launch August 16th. Members can pick up calendars at 11:30 am till noon and 1 to 1:30 pm from the Reycraft Room.
If they cannot make it please have another member pick it up on their behalf.
Karen Ragland will take all Calendars that are not picked up to her home.
Members can call to make special arrangements for pick up. 734-320-0424
Fall Festival News: Fall Festival Fundraiser is October 7th. The club is looking for sponsors. Contact Anna McGlashen.
NOTE ABOUT ANNOUNCEMENTS: Going forward, announcements will be limited to Rotary-specific topics. If you have an announcement for personal or work projects, fundraisers, opportunities, or campaigns, you can email Terry Newton or Andrea Coronado to be shared in the newsletter and on social media. This will aid our efforts to keep meetings to one hour.
It’s Calendar Time!!!
Stafford gave a short presentation on the history of how the calendars came to be. Every year, calendar sales raise vital funds for our club—which is used to support local non-profits. Over the years, our club has given nearly $450,000 to worthy causes.
If you opted-in to sell calendars, they will be available at meetings going forward, please pick up at your earliest convenience.
Next Week’s Program: Becky Fettig – Ronon's Place