Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
August 9, 2023
101 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. President Reg Smith officiated the meeting.
If you did not get the chance to attend, you can read about it in this newsletter.
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards led us in America the Beautiful
4-Way Test: David Thomas
Invocation: Tim Dykstra
“The White House
August 9, 1974
Dear Mr. Secretary,
I hereby resign the Office of President of the United States.”
Richard Nixon”
This cryptic letter ended an extraordinarily traumatic chapter in our national political life. Months of deep controversy had gripped the nation over the Watergate scandal as questions surrounding the office of the presidency consumed millions of Americans.
During this peaceful summer of 2023, we are only beginning to think about another presidential election that is still many months away. But we know, even now, that heated struggles lie just ahead for us all. We must be prepared for those struggles. We must realize how best to conduct ourselves as citizens of our fragile democracy.
Fortunately, we Rotarians have the road map to follow that is both simple and clear: it’s our Four Way Test:
· Is it the truth? Is it the truth?
· Is it fair to all concerned”?
· Will it build good will and better friendships?
· Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
If our comments and behaviors pass this test over these next several months of selecting the next president, we and our nation will be undoubtedly winners whatever the election outcome.
Calendar Winners: Read off by Herb Carlson
Calendar Winners August 9, 2023
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 1988 | Kim Dickinson | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 2980 | Charles Smith | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2944 | Barb Berry | Vanderbilt | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2683 | Julie Dittmar | Boyne City | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2307 | Nancy Plichta | Petoskey | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: Randy Evans, Val Meyerson, P. Sunrise; Pat Ryde, Denise Evans, Inland Waterway
Life Events: Congratulations to Herb Carlson for becoming a great-grandpa with the arrival of baby Charles.
Jay Neff
Singing/Song: Howard Richards led us in Happy Birthday and Smile
Frankenmuth Fondo: There’s still time to support Terry Newton’s ride! So far he has raised $365.00.
Frankenmuth Fondo: Terry Newton will be participating in the Frankenmuth Fondo Ride on Saturday, August 12 and is looking for support! Donations to support his ride will help struggling and disadvantaged individuals and families in the local area. All proceeds from this event will go to the Frankenmuth Rotary Helping Hands Fund, which helps those in need—anything from replacing water heaters, paying overdue medical bills, helping abused women and children resettle, replace hearing aids for elderly people who are making decisions to eat rather than hear because they cannot afford both and many others. See Terry to make a tribute to his efforts.
Badge Box: Thank you to Terry Newton and Bill Collins for the new/old badge box for name badges. It turned out beautifully!
Scam Alert: Be careful if you put something on Facebook Marketplace. I listed something for David and a few of the inquiries wanted me to send them a confirmation code or they would send me one. Ashley D. told me it makes it possible for them to scam you. Don't give out any code unless you asked for one from a bank or company.
Handbells Concert: Mark your calendars for the Bay View Week of Handbells Concert on Thursday, August 17 at 7:30 PM, at John M. Hall Auditorium in Bay View. More than 100 bell advanced bell ringers from around the country will present an AMAZING concert. Somehow they even let our own Dibby Smith participate! Come hear handbells like you’ve never heard before. Included in the repertoire are a very upbeat version of the Huron Carol, a beautiful arrangement of La Vie en Rose, several amazing pieces by young composers, a bass bell showpiece called The Dance of the Sugar Plum Sumo Fairy, some very moving and lyrical pieces, and finally, a specially arranged version of Smiles, a song written in 1912 AT BAY VIEW! It is really an event not to be missed! August 17, 7:30 PM at Bay View Auditorium!
Calendar News: Calendar fundraiser launch August 16th. Members can pick up calendars at 11:30 am till noon and also 1 to 1:30 pm from the Reycraft Room.
If they cannot make it please have another member pick up on their behalf.
Karen Ragland will take all Calendars that are not picked up to her home.
Members can call to make special arrangements for pick up.
734 320 0424
Fall Festival News: Fall Festival Fundraiser is October 7th. The club is looking for sponsors. Contact Anna McGlashen.
NOTE ABOUT ANNOUNCEMENTS: Going forward, announcements will be limited to Rotary-specific topics. If you have an announcement for personal or work projects, fundraisers, opportunities, or campaigns, you can email Terry Newton or Andrea Coronado to be shared in the newsletter and on social media. This will aid our efforts to keep meetings to one hour.
PROGRAM: Club Assembly – Committee Sign-up
Presentation of bell to the Inland Lakes Club. Our club president, Reg Smith, presented the newly formed Alanson Inland Waterway Rotary Club with an official Rotary Bell. Their meetings will take place on the last Friday of the month at noon at Bob’s Place in Alanson.

Pictured above is Reg Smith, Randy Evans, Pat Ryde, Denise Evans and Val Meyerson
Our club viewed the “5 Myths about Rotary” video – we have a goal to reach 90 members (current 83). You can view the video here: Link
Reg shared information on newly organized Rotary Committees. Each Rotarian should sign up for one (or more) committees of interest to stay engaged, be an active participant, and connect with fellow Rotarians.
Opportunities include:
Club Administration and Membership
Charitable Events and Charitable Income
Public Image, Marketing, and Communications
Rotary Foundation and International Service
Community Service
Youth/New Generation
Presidential Committee
Each committee is led by a Board Member. Members will work with their committee leader to fulfill the responsibilities of each category. To sign up or of you have questions, please reach out to a Board Member.
Next Week’s Program: Calendar Launch
2023 Citizens Academy