Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
December 22, 2021
1921 – 2021
100 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey via Zoom on the world wide web and in-person from here on out if God willing and the creek don’t rise. President Elect Jeff Wynder officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can watch it from this: Recording
Pledge/Anthem: Andre played God Bless America
4-Way Test: John Emley
Invocation: Neil Bidwell
As we enjoy our fellowship today, help us remember how fortunate we are to be able to serve our brothers and sisters, around the world, through Rotary. As Rotarians, we wish everyone, everywhere, the joy of family, the gift of friends and the best of everything this Holiday Season.
Calendar Winners: Read off by Andrea Coronado
Calendar Winners December 22, 2021
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 817 | Jim Macintyre | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 1761 | Richard Collie | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 1784 | Robert Rogier | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 2345 | Frank Kozlowski | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 557 | Cindy Adams | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Michael Donaldson
Life Events:
Welcome back, Herb Carlson! It was nice to see you this week.
Rotary Care List:
Chris Etienne's father recently passed away. Please keep Chris and her family in your thoughts.
Herb Carlson
Karen Ragland
Judy Zorn – 4 Years
Steve Brown – 37 Years
Singing/Song: Steve Cross sang Feliz Navidad & Happy Birthday & Smile
Rotary Foundation raffle drawing: Tickets are $20 each, and are being sold until the end of February. Half of the raffle money will be donated to the Rotary Foundation and the other half will be raffle cash prizes. Please see Chris Etienne or Jane Millar if you'd like to buy tickets.
Calendar Stubs Due by 12/31: Just a reminder to please turn in calendar stubs by December 31! Any stubs not turned in by 12/31 will be invoiced to the corresponding member and those stubs will not be included in the raffle. 61% of calendars have been turned in to-date -- thank you!!
President Updates: Ashley will be emailing club with some updates from the board but was too ambitious thinking she could get that out before the holidays. Expect it at the beginning of the year. 😊
Today we were treated to a brief but lovely slideshow presentation of Rotarian holiday photos over the years. Special thanks to Chris Hammond for putting it together for us!!
Next Week’s Program: Next week is the big calendar drawing. Terri Donaldson has graciously agreed to run Zoom for us. No program, just fellowship.