Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
January 25, 2023
101 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. President Jeff Wynder officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can read about it from this newsletter.
Pledge/Anthem: Andre Strydom led us in America the Beautiful
4-Way Test: Christian Smith
Invocation: Neil Bidwell
A quote by Dr. Seuss:
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
Calendar Winners: Read off by Amber Pettit
Calendar Winners January 25, 2023
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 1441 | Joe Dibley | Marine City | Petoskey |
$50 | 1146 | Kim Brown | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 1117 | Damon Whitfield | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 3176 | Brad Bieker | Metamora, IL | Cheboygan |
$50 | 1618 | Kristian Coronado | Conshohocken, PA | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: None
Life Events:
Kam Culbertson
John Scholten
Singing/Song: Andre Strydom led us in Happy Birthday and Smile.
Rotary Foundation Raffle: Get your Rotary Foundation 50/50 raffle tickets! Tickets are only $20 (last year's winner won over $1,800!) See Jane Millar for tickets.
Rotarian Fitness: Joe Blachy gave an open invitation to any Rotarian who would like to meet at his house at 5:45 AM to join him in exercise. Must bring your own pajama pants. :)
North Central Michigan College: David Finley had some great news to share: Enrollment at NCMC is up between 8% & 9%! Their Men's Basketball team won their game 80 - 74. And they just received a $2 million grant to support their nursing program.
Winter Sports Park Project: Don't miss the Retro Beach Blast on January 27, 5 – 10 PM in the Beard's Brewery "Root Cellar" – a fundraiser to support the Winter Sports Park Project.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing: The Salvation Army issued a heartfelt thank-you to our Rotary Club for helping "ring the bell" this holiday season.
Urgent Help Needed: Please see Karen Ragland if you can help with the calendar drawings from now until the end of May. It involves showing up weekly at about 11:30 to draw the winners and record them. Please see Karen Ragland if you can do this.
PROGRAM: Tom Renkes – Kayak Trip around Lake Superior
The men in Tom Renkes family die young. So when he turned 60, he decided he wasn't wasting any more time...and he set his mind to kayaking around Lake Superior. By himself.
If that doesn't sound crazy enough, he did it without the aid of GPS, a smartphone, tablet, or even a watch — he only had his kayak, a flip phone (that was continuously getting wet), a NOAA beacon, and not much else.
Part celebration of retirement, part acknowledgment that he’d managed to outlive his forebears, this adventure was "off the grid." Renkes started in Minnesota, surrounded by cliffs and choppy, cold waters. On his journey, he faced wicked storms that decimated beaches in small towns, knee-deep mud, and exhaustion.
But he also found human kindness, compassion, and friendship! Along his travels he met people who went out of their way to help him, whether it was providing a place to stay for the night, or a trip to whatever town was nearby for supplies.
All told, he travelled some 1,000 miles, from Grand Marais, Minnesota, to Grand Marais, Michigan — living in the environment, one with the universe and its rhythms.
Renkes is a published author who uses the pen name Stewert James. Learn more Here
Next Week’s Program: Izabela Babinska – McLaren Behavioral Health
New Calendar Options. Please look over for next year’s Calendar Sales
2024 Rotary Calendars
Choose to sell a minimum of 10 calendars or choose to not sell calendars and pay $200 to The Rotary Club of Petoskey
As is:
1,700 calendars to be sold by the Rotary Club of Petoskey
Club earns $10 per calendar = $17,000
PRCCI net = $6,000
Total available for charitable giving = $23,000
Potential Impact@ 25% opt out
If 25% (21 members) opt out club earns:
1,700 calendars
210 calendars
1,490 calendars x $10 = $14,900
21 members x $200 = $4,200
Club earns $19,100
PRCCI nets $4,648
Total for charitable giving $23,748
If 40% (34 members) opt out club earns:
1,700 calendars
340 calendars