Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
July 21, 2021
1921 – 2021
100 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey via Zoom on the world wide web and in-person from here on out if God willing and the creek don’t rise. Ashley Whitney, President officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can watch it from this: Recording
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards played “America the Beautiful”
4-Way Test: Ashley Whitney
Invocation: Lisa Hammond
As we gather here today as members of Rotary, we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community. Keeping in mind always enduring values of life, exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon future generations can build with confidence. Let us continue to strive to make a better world. Amen
Calendar Winners: Read off by Chris Etienne
Calendar Winners July 21, 2021
| | | | |
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 78 | Jennifer Likens | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 1444 | Sherry Haneckow | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 2476 | Cliff Haas | Alanson | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2440 | CT Shuman | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2278 | John Hubbard | East Jordan | P. Sunrise |
Visiting Rotarians: Dick Chambers, Holland, MI; Pat Chase, Sulpher Springs, TX; Gary Chenowith, District Governor East Jordan
Guests: Dan George, Frank Schneider, Bret Finzel, Sue Buslep, Carol Thomas, Diego Pastor, Wagner Pastor
Life Events: None
Rotary Care List: None
Neil Bidwell
Chelsea Platte
Roger Winslow
John Mohler – 8 Years
Jim Erhart – 26 Years
Singing/Song: Howard Richards played Happy Birthday and Simon & Garfunkel 1966 59th Street Song – Feelin’ Groovy
Upcoming important date changes:
In-Person Meetings: In-person Rotary meetings beginning 7/7/21 at the Perry Hotel and thereafter with a Zoom option available.
Timing of Rotary meetings: Now that we are back to in person meetings, and attempting a zoom option, I wanted to update everyone on the timing of meetings. During Covid we started the zoom meetings at 11:30 to allow for chit chat time before "ringing the bell" at noon without a break to eat lunch. Our meetings typically ended by 1pm. Now that we are back in person, we are adjusting back to our normal meeting schedule. This means, we will attempt to start the zoom meeting at noon, but the bell won't ring until 12:15pm for invocation & Howard's patriotic song. We will then break for lunch and start the actual meeting portion around 12:35. Feel free to log in at noon and chit chat amongst yourselves, but you can also choose to log in closer to 12:30. Our in person meetings will end closer to 1:15/1:30pm, with the presenter starting around 12:50 - depending on announcements. If you need to leave early for the press of business, please leave $1 at your table as we have done before.
Outdoor concert in Pennsylvania Park on July 23: Join fellow Rotarians for live music and fellowship next Friday, July 23 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at the Pennsylvania Park gazebo. Free!! This is part of Crooked Tree Arts Center's summer concert series. Bring your own lawn chairs & lunch & relax with us!! President Ashley Whitney is bringing her whole Harbor/Brenn crew.
100 Acts of Service: This year our club aspires to complete 100 Acts of Service for our 100 years. If you did something to serve others in the last week, please be sure to record it in our online survey – click here. Thank you! Also, our PR folks would love to help tell Acts of Service stories. Please consider submitting a photo of any group service projects, or a photo of the result of your good deed if appropriate. Thank you!
Updated lunch prices: As we resume our in-person lunch meetings at the Perry Hotel, there has been a change to lunch pricing. Moving forward members will be charged $16.00 per lunch and members' guests will be charged $20.00 -- all billed quarterly to members. This change is in part to help cover the expense of the many free lunches we offer our speakers, award recipients, etc. throughout the year. Remember, you may also attend Rotary meetings *without* buying lunch, should you prefer that.
Calendar sales: The calendar committee is "getting the band back together!" They welcome members to join and help out with this key fundraiser for our club. If you would like to help with planning and administration of the calendar sales, please contact Karen Ragland.
Support for John Scholten's polio bike ride: Rotarian John Scholten is doing a 970-mile bike ride next month, across Oregon and Montana, to raise money for the Rotary Foundation's polio campaign.The Rotary board of Directors voted to donate $1,000 in honor of his extraordinary effort. Thank you, John!! Please contact him directly if you'd like to make an individual donation as well.
Assist Sophie Cranney: Rotarian Angie Cranney's daughter, Sophie Cranney, continues to experience health issues following a car accident last year. Sophie has several medical appointments lined up this summer and needs help getting to/from her appointments. Please consider signing up to provide Sophie transportation. Click here for details and available shifts.
Past President Centennial Updates: Starting now, over the next 4 months, 19 past Presidents of our club will take turns giving a historical overview of club happenings in 5-year periods (until we reach 100 years). They will make remarks on what was happening in the world, in Petoskey, and in our club. Jim Erhart – 82nd club president from 2003-2004. He talked about what happened between 1955-1959.
Possible Disc Golf Match Against Kiwanis: Let Ashley Whitney know if you are interested in helping.
Music Committee: Music committee getting back together; Georgia, Melissa & Howard.
Paul Harris Fellowship: This week Rotarian Terry Newton bestowed a Paul Harris Fellowship on his best friend, Bret Finzel, in a touching ceremony.
PROGRAM District Governor Gary Chenowith
Today we were joined by our District Governor, Gary Chenowith, who hails from Elk Rapids.
Gary described some of the big-picture, international priorities of our new Rotary International president, including membership development. For a long time, Rotary has had a steady global membership of 1.2 million. That being said, membership in North America and Europe has been decreasing, whereas membership in Asia has been increasing. The new RI president would like to boost membership to 1.3 million. Gary said that at a district level, his priority is leadership development.
Next Week’s Program: Centennial Committee – memories from our senior members
Two Week Notification: The Board of Directors met today and we approved Frank Schneider and Reggie Fiel for membership to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. This is the first of the two-week notification process for entry to the club.