Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
June 2, 2021
1921 – 2021
100 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey via Zoom on the world wide web. Ashley Whitney, President officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can watch it from this: Recording
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards Played “America the Beautiful”
4-Way Test: Dibby Smith
Invocation: Jeff Wynder
Thousands of candles can be lighted by a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Calendar Winners: Read off by Bob Metzger
Calendar Winners June 2, 2021
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 130 | Savannah Henlin | Caledonia | Petoskey |
$50 | 33 | Marsha Bidwell | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 2445 | Steve Shuman | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2308 | Lyndsay Gorman | Petoskey | P. Sunrise |
$50 | 2688 | Rose Stover | Midland | Gladwin |
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Doug Mallory, Speaker; Kevin Deegan-Krause, Speaker
Life Events: None
Rotary Care List: None
Tom Erhart
John Emley
Roy Longworth
Bill Topham – 37 Years
Mike Snyder – 49 Years
Singing/Song: Howard Richards led us in singing Happy Birthday & Smile.
100 Acts of Service: This year our club aspires to complete 100 Acts of Service for our 100 years. If you did something to serve others in the last week, please be sure to record it in our online survey -- click here. Thank you!
Meeting In-Person on June 16: Save the date! On Wednesday, June 16 at 12:00 PM we will meet in-person under an outdoor tent at the Bay View Association. There will not be a Zoom option for this meeting. There will also not be a program, just much-anticipated social time! The Perry Hotel has agreed to offer catered box lunches. For planning purposes we will have people sign up to attend--please keep your eyes peeled for an emailed RSVP. You will be charged for your lunch if you sign up (whether or not you actually attend).
Rotary Logowear: If you ordered any Rotary apparel / products from Carter's Imagewear, just a friendly reminder that it will be available for pickup starting next Monday, June 7! Can't wait to see you out & about in your sassy new Rotary gear!!
Marathon Aid Station: Thank you to all who volunteered this past Saturday! It was a lot of fun. Over a 3.5 hour period, we had 12 Rotarians + friends cheering nearly 150 runners. Chris Hammond brought her boom box; Christian Smith serenaded us with a kazoo; Heidi Finley rocked an air horn; Lisa Loyd and Andrea Coronado drew sidewalk chalk art. Our aid station has a reputation for being the most lively, and this year was no exception!! Thank you!
Affordable Housing Forum in Emmet County: On June 15 in the Big Tent in Bay View there will be a forum on the need for affordable housing in Emmet County. This will be free and open to the public and it is being held 2:00 – 3:30 pm.
Past President Centennial Updates: Starting now, over the next 4 months, 19 past Presidents of our club will take turns giving a historical overview of club happenings in 5-year periods (until we reach 100 years). They will make remarks on what was happening in the world, in Petoskey, and in our club. THANK YOU to past president John Parker for kicking us off this week!! John was our club's 51st president, having served from 1972-1973. He talked about what happened nationally & locally from the first period (1920 - 1925).
4th of July Festivities:
Join the Fun! Volunteer for Petoskey’s Fourth!
To have a successful Fourth of July celebration in Petoskey, we need two things: Money and Volunteers. The fund-raising is off to a great start thanks to the generous support from the community. Now it’s time to fill the many volunteer slots. It’s fun to volunteer and it gives you the satisfaction that you contributed to our celebration that is designed to be for the community, by the community.
Volunteers are needed for:
Parade Line-up
Set up at Bayfront Park
Perimeter Security for fireworks
Information Booth
Bucket Brigade (Fund Raising)*
Clean up Monday Morning