Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
March 30, 2022
1921 – 2021
100 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey via Zoom on the world wide web and in-person from here on out if God willing and the creek don’t rise. President Elect Jeff Wynder officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can watch it from this: Recording
Pledge/Anthem: Georgia Abbott led us in America the Beautiful
4-Way Test: Chris Etienne
Invocation: Lisa Schneider
Keep your thoughts positive
Because your thoughts become
Keep your words positive
Because your words become
Keep your behavior positive
Because your behavior becomes
Keep your habits positive
Because your habits become
Keep your values positive
Because your values become
~Mahatma Gandhi
Calendar Winners: Read off by John Emley
Calendar Winners March 30, 2022
| | | | |
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 2172 | Christine Hoffmeyer | Millersburg | Petoskey |
$50 | 1020 | Dave Grutsch | East Jordan | Boyne City |
$50 | 3163 | Tammy Jackson | East Jordan | East Jordan |
$50 | 3608 | Trevor Whitney | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$50 | 1488 | J & Eric Woods | Harbor Springs | Petoskey |
$500 | 1845 | David Millar | Petoskey | Petoskey |
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Sandy Wibby
Life Events:
Georgia Abbott let us know that Howard Richards hasn't been feeling well lately. We miss you, Howard!! You are in our thoughts. We hope you feel better soon.
Bill Collins spoke emotionally about his grandson, Luke, whose cancer has returned. Luke is now in hospice care and Bill was very blunt with us -- Luke is dying. Bill appreciates all the kind words and cards from Rotarians, as this is extremely hard on his family and he's been hesitant to come to Rotary during this very sad and difficult time. Please continue to keep Luke, Bill and family in your thoughts.
John Van Etten
Ric Loyd – 17 Years
Stafford Smith – 60 Years
John Parker – 60 Years
Singing/Song: We sang Smile and Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville
Roadside Cleanup Chair Needed: Thank you to Tim Kaufmann for his many years of organizing our club's semi-annual roadside cleanups. Due to recent health challenges, Tim needs to step down from this role. Our club is looking for a new chairperson to take over this activity! Please contact Christian Smith if you are interested.
Spaghetti Dinner: Save the Date! Our annual spaghetti dinner will take place on Thursday, May 12 from 3:00 - 7:00 PM at the Grand Unity Event Center in Petoskey.
By March 31, please complete this brief survey to indicate whether you will pick up your Spaghetti Dinner tickets in person, or if you want to donate your tickets instead. If we don't hear from you by March 31, we will assume you want your tickets donated.
Ukraine Relief Efforts: Board contribution of $500 to the disaster relief fund through the Rotary Foundation to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. I would encourage other Rotarians who want to contribute to a strong, reputable organization to support efforts in Ukraine to consider their own donation – link in the bulletin. All donations do count towards Paul Harris recognition as well. Please click the following link for the Disaster Response Fund: Link
Below is the link to the recording of the meeting where PDG Sergii Zavadskyi from Ukraine spoke last Wednesday. The actual meeting starts around the 40 minute mark of the recording. If you were unable to attend, I strongly encourage you to take the time to review. It was sad, inspiring and powerful. Please feel free to share. Link Access Passcode: ?U4Yj#^V
Support for Ukraine, Part 1: Chris Etienne shared that our district is participating alongside 9 others for a matching grant opportunity with the Rotary Foundation. Our district has been connected with a doctor in Chicago who runs the Ukrainian Medical Association of America. He is working with Rotary to coordinate shipment of 60 tons of medical supplies to Poland, to support Ukrainian people.The cost to ship is $250,000 -- so each of the 10 districts (including ours) is applying for a $25,000 grant.
Support for Ukraine, Part 2: Recently Joe Blachy spoke at a Rotary meeting, asking our members to please donate in support of Ukraine. Following Joe's impassioned speech, $965 was raised from our members - awesome! This is in addition to a $500 donation approved by the Board of Directors last month.
Rotary Raffle Winner: Congratulations to our very own Rotarian spouse, Sandy Wibby, who won 4th place (a cash prize of $628!) in the recent Rotary raffle. Sandy was present at lunch with us this week, so we could properly celebrate her.
Upcoming Rotary happy hour: Save the date! On Wednesday, April 13 we'll gather from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at the Barrel Back Restaurant in Walloon Lake. Our very own Rotarian Jeff Wynder will be performing music that night alongside fellow musician Pete Kehoe. Word on the street is that Jeff might be part of the second set, so arriving fashionably late would probably be okay. Link
Jump for Polio: Grand Haven, Michigan June 25, 2022 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. All District 6290 Rotarians plus family and friends are welcome to come to Grand Haven on June 25 to skydive to raise money to fight polio worldwide.
Our very own Betsy Newton has volunteered to jump as skydiving has been on Betsy's 'bucket list' for a long time. Please support her with a donation! If you also wish to join her in jumping, as we can have two jumpers per club in District 6290, please see our club president. We are seeking to procure donations of at least $1,000 per jumper.
Today we were joined by Heider Shearer, who runs a company called HQ Wellness with her husband, Bill Shearer.
Heidi has a master degree in social work and is an enthusiastic student and teacher of the Bible.
Together Heidi and Bill feel the mission of their company is to Bless Petoskey. To fulfil that mission, they created a program called GAP. GAP stands for (Love of) God and People. It is a summer personal/professional development program for 18-27 year olds. It is a 12-week experience, running from June - August.
GAP began last year with 9 people, most of whom lived with Heidi & Bill. The participants developed work skills/ethic by working at the Inn at Bay Harbor. Additionally, the program has 1 day a week of leadership/discussion time. GAP teaches:
Biblical worldview
Leadership fundamentals
How to honor & serve people
Development of emotional intelligence
GAP partnered with the Manthei Family to use their barn on Townsend Road, to host worship nights and fellowship activities.
This coming summer, GAP is looking to recruit 12 youth for the program and also hopes to find a house that can accomodate 15 people.
Next Week’s Program: Amy Beach, Pellston Public Schools food service program