Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER

May 15, 2024

102 Years of Service Above Self

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey. President Brian Wagner, Sunrise Rotary Club; officiated the meeting.

If you did not get the chance to attend, you can read about it in this newsletter.

Pledge/Anthem:  Howard Richards led us in God Bless America

4-Way Test:  Reg Smith

Invocation:  Tim Dykstra

At our April 17th Rotary meeting Andy Moe of St Michael’s Academy shared a couple quotes from G.K. Chesterton.  And Mr. Moe was right.  Chesterton cut quite a figure and was very quotable in his day. I thought it might be fun to share a few more of Chesterton’s quips for our collective edification. Here are four more:

“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”

“Right is right, even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong about it.”

“To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it.”

“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”

Calendar Winners:  Read off by Neil Bidwell

Calendar Winners May 15, 2024

Calendar Winner
Sold By
Robert McBride
David Moyer
P. Sunrise
Joe Dibley
Marine City
Trisha Wood
Julie Ann Saunders

International Insight:  Rotary Clubs in Papua New Guinea joined local community partners to install a rainwater harvesting and distribution center for 4,000 people, and the corresponding training in local schools on how to use it.

Visiting Rotarians:  Suzanne Perry, Bill Brower, Grace Ketchum, Andy Hayes, Brian Wagner, Sarah George, Sunrise Rotary; Leah Pierce, Inland Waterway Rotary


Life Events:  

Lori Smith was admitted April 9th to Munson Hospital in Traverse City for multifocal pneumonia and acute hypoxic respiratory failure and discharged from Munson April 15th. This occurred because of a rare complication of the infusion drug Ocrevus. The protocol is working but will be painful and will take time. Her current Pulmonology status is ongoing with therapy for the next 6 to 12 months of high dose steroids. She will be extremely immunocompromised through this treatment while the drug works its way out of her system for the next 6 -12 months. Thank you for your consideration in possibility of providing a meal. She is not able to eat large quantities and there are only herself and husband Reg in the household.


Christian Smith

Jean Frentz

Liz McKenney


Sarah Ulrich – 6 Years

Singing/Song:  Howard Richards led us in Happy Birthday and Smile.


Top of MI Races:  Staffords Festival of Races to cheer the 5K runners on. We just a need a few more. Noise makers, loud cheering, clapping etc all welcome.

Petoskey Garden Club:  The Petoskey Garden Club will hold its gala-fundraiser on June 24.

Exchange of Officers:  Our exchange of officers is scheduled for June 27 at the Perry. 5:30 cocktails outside, 6:30 dinner inside.

Parade of Roses:  Already thinking about ringing in the new year? For more than 40 years, Rotary has been a part of the Parade of Roses. For more information see

PROGRAM  Vocational Program: Ashley Whitney DeCarteret – Insurance

Ashley did a fabulous job of presenting herself and the wonderful, whacky world of home and auto insurance. (In other words, if you aren’t happy with rate increases, please don’t camp outside of her door at Harbor-Brenn Insurance Agency, 1231 U.S. 31 N, Petoskey, MI 49770; opens at 9:00 am). She likes chocolate and beer!  

Next Week’s Program:  Nathan Griswold: Inhabitect Green Roofs.

Two-Week Notification:  On May 14 at the Rotary Board Meeting, we voted in Brian Peters and Ceara Struck from the Nehemiah House as a Corporate Member. This is the first of their two-week notification.

From the Petoskey Sunrise Rotary Club:

The Topsy Turvy World of Rotary

When the Noon Club blends with the Sunrise Club, and the Sunrise Club blends with the Noon club, something is awry!  It's like, "Hey you got chocolate in my peanut butter!"  "No, you got peanut  butter on my chocolate!"  Hmmmm, actually it's not bad!  We had 38 Sunrise Rotarians in attendance today and six folks from the Noon Club including former District Governor Dave Thomas, President Reg Smith, Drew Smith, David Finley, Karen Ragland, and Walt Byers.  We also added a member from the Inland Lakes Club, Betsy Lawrence, and our final guest was Doug Mantha. 


The bell rang and....wait.  What?  That's not Brian Wagner ringing the bell, it's Reg Smith of the Noon Club!  It's as if we all entered a new dimension!  But really it's just a Presidents Swap.  Reg ran our meeting today and Brian is running the Noon Club tomorrow!  Let's have a good showing of Sunrise Members at the Noon Club meeting to cheer on Brian!

Reg acted like he knew what he was doing as he flawlessly guided us through our intricate agenda of announcements.  (He's not going to make us sing, is he?)