Petoskey Rotary Noon Club NEWSLETTER
October 27, 2021
1921 – 2021 100 Years of Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petoskey via Zoom on the world wide web and in-person from here on out if God willing and the creek don’t rise. President Ashley Whitney officiated the meeting. If you did not get the chance to attend, you can watch it from this: Recording
Pledge/Anthem: Howard Richards led us in “America the Beautiful”
4-Way Test: Bill Collins
Invocation: Lisa Schneider
Rivers do not drink their own water.
Trees do not eat their own fruit.
The sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is …. Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.
Pope Francis
Calendar Winners: Read off by Melissa Thompson
Calendar Winners October 27, 2021
| | | | |
Prize | Cal# | Calendar Winner | City | Sold By |
$50 | 2166 | Paul Michael | East Jordan | East Jordan |
$50 | 625 | Lake Orion Lions Club | Lake Orion | Petoskey |
$50 | 573 | Tracey Harrington | Petoskey | Petoskey |
$50 | 1128 | JoAnn Bayus | Denver, CO | Petoskey |
$50 | 2125 | Cedar Springs | Cedar Springs | Cedar Springs |
Visiting Rotarians: Chris Guggemos, President, Coeur d'Alene Sunrise Rotary Club
Guests: Liz Eddington and Sarah McDonnell, Prospective Members
Life Events:
Judy Zorn invited veterans to attend Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra's upcoming concert on October 30, "Postcard From Vienna."
Rotary Care List: Member Teri Donaldson’s husband Mike completed his radiation and chemotherapy therapy this week. It will take some time for him to heal and recover. A PET scan is scheduled for late December. We hope to celebrate the New Year cancer free. Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, and hugs. Teri Donaldson
Dan passed away Sunday here at home right after his kids had left. Chris Bartlett and I were in the room with him, and it was very peaceful. I wanted to say thank you for all of the wonderful notes and messages I have received. We are going to have a memorial service on Saturday, November 6, at Stone Funeral Home in Petoskey. The gathering is at 1 p.m. and the service is at 2 p.m. Sharon Schappacher
Tim Kaufman
Jim Wibby
Anniversaries: None
Singing/Song: Howard Richards played Happy Birthday and Smile and 1978 Warren Zevon’s; “Werewolves of London”
Fall Festival - thank you: HUGE thanks to everyone who volunteered at or otherwise attended Rotary's Fall Festival at Winter Sports Park earlier this month. It was an amazing day and couldn't have gone better, especially for a first-time event. We had approximately 500 attendees and the pumpkin roll was a huge hit!
Centennial gala on November 4: Save the date! Our club will celebrate our 100th anniversary at the Perry Hotel on Thursday, November 4 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. It will be a "strolling dinner" with heavy appetizers, plus live music from Nelson Olstrom. Cost is $50 per person. Please click here to RSVP.
Thirsty Thursday on Nov. 11: At long last, Rotary's Thirsty Thursday happy hours are back!!! Join us on Thursday, November 11 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM at the Noggin Room for beer & cheer. This happy hour has an optional sports theme -- please wear your favorite team's apparel. Please contact Doug Buck if you have any questions.
100 Acts of Service: This year our club aspires to complete 100 Acts of Service for our 100 years. If you did something to serve others in the last week, please be sure to record it in our online survey – click here. Thank you! Also, our PR folks would love to help tell Acts of Service stories. Please consider submitting a photo of any group service projects, or a photo of the result of your g0od deed if appropriate. Thank you!
Athena Award Committee: Awarded each year, the Athena Award recognizes an individual (male or female) who celebrates the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the community. The Athena Award Committee is looking for additional participants and would like one representative from each service club. If you would be interested in representing our club, please contact Nikki Devitt. The time commitment is three short meetings to vet candidates and select the award recipient.
Call for Nominations to the Rotary Board: Would you be interested in serving on the Rotary Board of Directors? The Nominating Committee has formed for this year and is preparing a slate of candidates to be voted on in our Club's annual meeting on December 8. Please contact Jeff Wynder to learn more.
Recruiting STRIVE Mentors: We need 20 folks to serve as mentors to high school students! Commitment is October - May. Monthly meeting occurs on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Mentor training will be held in October with the STRIVE Leadership Team, Georgia Abbott, Lisa Hammond, Jeff Neill and Judy Zorn. Please click here to sign up.
2021 Holiday Parade: Currently scheduled for November 27th -- should we consider entering something for Rotary? Contact Ashley Whitney if interested.
Past President Centennial Updates: Starting now, over the next 4 months, 19 past Presidents of our club will take turns giving a historical overview of club happenings in 5-year periods (until we reach 100 years). They will make remarks on what was happening in the world, in Petoskey, and in our club. None for this week.
We began with a New Member Induction -- a warm Rotary welcome to Liz Eddington!!
Liz is the Branch Director of the YMCA of Northern Michigan. She is a Michigan native, and holds a Bachelor's degree from Michigan State University.
She lives in Petoskey with her longtime partner, Mark. In her free time, Liz enjoys boating on Lake Charlevoix; biking, hiking and snowshoeing on area trails; and spending time with her extended family.
Liz is passionate about organ donation and volunteering "the three T's" -- time, talent and treasure.
Following our New Member Induction, our very own Rotarian John Scholten gave a beautiful photo slideshow highlighting his summer bike ride from Portland, OR to Bozeman, MT. John rode with a team of 16 cyclists. Gorgeous Pacific northwest / Great Plains scenery!
John used his epic bike ride as an occasion to "pedal for polio" and raise money for Rotary's polio eradication efforts. Between donations he raised, and donations raised by our club's local Pedal for Polio last month, we've raised about $2,250 in total -- which will boost to almost $12,000 when we factor in the Gates Foundation match. You can always still give some more money after today's great program if you are so inclined. Awesome!
Next Week’s Program: Recent Rotary History Jean Frentz