Howard Richards was gone today so President Bob Waldvogel led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Four Way Test: Steve Brummeler
Invocation: Tim Dykstra
Calendar Winners: Jean Frentz read the Calendar winners for this weekLink
Visiting Rotarians: Bob Swanson, Birmingham, MI
Visitors: Jacqueline and Sophia Cranney, Scott Gillespie
Stuart Fenton filling in for Steve Cross led us in Smile
Life Events:
Birthdays:We sang Happy Birthday to John Parker and wished Mary Jo Parker Happy Birthday as well on the 24th
Anniversaries:It was Stuart Fenton, Jeff Wynder and Georgia Abbott’s 2nd anniversary in our club
New Members:Roger Winslow and Chris Etienne introduced Melissa Colby as the Newest member of our Club. Be sure to take time to introduce yourself to her since Roger Winslow did a good job at giving us some interesting facts about her. Melissa Colby will be a great addition to our club
Youth Exchange:Bob Waldvogel let us know that Youth Exchange will have their fall meeting at Camp Daggett September 8, 9 & 10. If you would like to help-out let Bob know
Venue Change: We move back to the Perry for the winter starting September 6th
Club Election:Chris Etienne has been nominated for election as Zone Director in Rotary. Please do not make any announcements or postings of this in Facebook as this would constitute campaigning which is not allowed. Our club voted to accept her nomination
Bob introduced Suzanne Muma, Executive Director of the Bergmann Center. She gave us a great overview of this excellent program that serves Adults with developmental disabilities. The Mission of Bergmann, Inc. is to provide Services that Enable Individuals with Mental and Physical Challenges the Opportunity to become Active Involved Members of the Community. It has been in existence since 1965 and makes a difference in the lives of the clients that they serve. For further information please check out their website:Link
Next Week’s Program:Bob Waldvogel is having his first Club Assembly. Ruh-Roh!